No-fault law requires in Florida
The No–Fault Law of Florida makes it necessary for any person who owns a motor vehicle that has more than four wheels (limousines and taxis are not recognized), which have been actively used for 90 or more days in the duration of 1 year, to acquire a policy for the delivery of the vehicle in the state of Florida. The lowest coverage’s available for that are:

- Personal Injury Protection (PIP) of at least $10,000.
- Property Damage Liability (PDL) of at least $10,000.
You are not eligible for purchasing registration or license plates for any motor vehicle without first acquiring the coverage for the vehicle in Florida. After obtaining the mandatory insurance, every time you make changes to the policy such as renewal, failure of renewal, or cancellation of the insurance, the company responsible for the insurance has to warn this division. The division will then inform you to supply evidence regarding any fresh coverage. Failure to supply certified evidence regarding your new insurance may result in a suspension for 3 years or more, for your license plate(s) and driving license.
If you find your license plate(s) and driving license annulled for failure to acquire insurance according to the No-Fault Law, you may have to offer a settlement payment of $150 and also provide evidence for the existing insurance in order to reinstate them. If you commit the offense for a second time inside 3 years you will have to offer settlement of $250. A third transgression inside 3 years will only be settled by a payment of $500. An officer of the law can also confiscate the license plates of your vehicle instantly, if your license plate(s) or driving license is annulled for more than 1 month under the no-fault insurance infringement. To avoid getting your license suspended due to insurance and evade paying the restoration fees, you should submit your license plates to the office of tax collectors or the driving license office of Florida before terminating your insurance.
The subsequent information regarding insurance for registering a motor vehicle in the state of Florida is in effect since 10/01/06. All taxicabs must adhere to the requirements of the insurance:
- Bodily Injury Liability for each incident: $250,000
- Bodily Injury Liability for each individual: $125,000
- Property Damage Liability: $50,000
- Or Coverage for Joint Solitary Limit: $300,000
General Information
Your insurance company will provide you with Insurance I.D. Card for Florida. You will have to keep this card with you at all times, so that you can reveal it to any officer of the law as evidence for your insurance. Failure to do so can result in you receiving a traffic ticket for failure to provide evidence for your insurance. You will also not qualify for a temporary driving license, even for business purposes, if your license plates or driving license is suspended for not complying according to the law. Anyone who provides a fraudulent declaration or hands over counterfeit documents regarding the insurance for their motor vehicle will be held accountable for committing a misdemeanor of the second degree. The Division will offer ample chances for your to submit evidence regarding your insurance coverage before suspending your license and license plates.
How to Comply
- By obtaining an insurance policy for motor vehicles by a company which is authorized to conduct business in the state of Florida.
- By acquiring a Certificate of Financial Responsibility through the Bureau of Financial Responsibility, and posting an acceptable security bond of an insurance company which is certified and authorized to commerce in Florida.
- By acquiring a Certificate of Financial Responsibility through the Bureau of Financial Responsibility by virtue of making a security or cash deposit with the Bureau.
- By acquiring a Certificate of Self-Insurance through the Bureau of Financial Responsibility by offering an acceptable proof of ownership for a substantial debt-free capita