Physical and Mental Requirements to Qualify for Florida Driving License
A driving license application provides specified sections where you can and must mention any physical and mental problems you have that may be problematic while driving. Consequently, the license issuing authorities will place Physical and Mental Requirement over your license in order to handle most of the physical problems. Medical conditions including epilepsy, lightheartedness, fainting spells, blackouts, etc. can seriously impair one’s driving. In case you suffer from the same, you can ask your doctor to fill a medical report form for you. You can put up your request at your local driver’s license office and they’ll mail the form directly to you. Once the doctor’s report is completed, it can then be submitted to the concerned department so that the license is issued. Diabetic patients who use insulin can ask the license issuing authority to indicate ‘Insulin Dependent’ on their license.
The following are restriction codes:
A: For Corrective Lenses – Necessary to wear throughout the time you are driving.

- A: For Corrective Lenses – Necessary to wear throughout the time you are driving.
- B: Outside Rear View Mirror (On the Left Side of the Vehicle) – The automobile driven by a licensee ought to have a rear view mirror placed at the left side of the vehicle.
- C: Business Purposes Only – It’s a privilege granted to driving that is required for livelihood, for instance, on-the-job driving, driving to the workplace or for educational purposes, medical reasons, or to reach the church.
- D: Employment Purposes Only – A driving advantage granted to those who drive to and from work or those who are required to drive on-the-job as per their occupation and employment requirements.
- E: Daylight Driving Only – Those permitted to drive only in the daytime.
- F: Automatic Transmission – Valid for those who can drive only automatic vehicles for gear transmission.
- G: Power Steering – Valid for those who can drive only with a power steering.
- I: Directional Signals – A facility to those who need mechanized signals to be installed in the vehicle.
- J: Grip on Steering Wheel – In order to ensure grip while driving, a knob is installed over the vehicle’s steering wheel.
- K: Hearing Aid – In order to maintain hearing capability, a device to aid hearing must be worn by the driver while driving.
- L: Seat Cushion – There must be a cushion placed over the seat while driving so that the driver can easily look at the surroundings.
- M: Hand Controls or Pedal Extensions – The vehicle must have this equipment for driver’s safety.
- N: Left Foot Accelerator – The vehicle must have this particular equipment installed.
- P: Probation-Interlock Device – It’s a specific device meant to lock the ignition and is an essential equipment in the vehicle.
- S: Other Restrictions – This code on a given license indicates that there are restrictions on this license other than the ones stated above.
- X: Medical Alert Bracelet – Indicates that the license holder must wear such a bracelet.
- Y: Educational Purposes Only – It means that the license holder is permitted to drive merely for educational reasons.
Note: Those who have restrictions levied on their licenses are legally bound to abide by such requirements. In case of non-compliance, they could either have their license suspended or be issued a citation. With the exception of Code X, violation of all other restrictions falls in the domain of second degree offenses. The local driver’s license office, on the basis of test results, issues to applicants either a Class E license or that of a learner’s driver