How to Replace Your Lost Card and Get a License Replacement
If you have recently lost your driving license you should send an application immediately for the License replacement. No changes will be made to the card and you will also not have to pay the $25.00 fees for the replaced licensed if you present a replica of the report from the police. The replaced license can be acquired by using an expediency method mentioned in the section of renewal or from a Tax Collector or State issuance office.

You will be required to present evidence regarding your social security number, home address, and primary credentials on the basis that you have not been authorized for an identification card or a Florida driving license from January 1st 2010. Look at section 2 regarding identification requirements, accepted evidence of social security and evidence of your residential address. Additional requirements apply to non–immigrants.
Name Changes
If you want to change the name on your identification card or Florida driving license you are required to:
- Present a certified or original copy of a marriage certificate which has been issued by the government, a decree of divorce or a court order from the issuance office of driving license. Marriage certificates from the Church are not accepted.
- Change the name on the social security card.
You are required to change your name on the documents of Immigration Services and the Citizenship of the United States if you want to have your name changed on your identification card of Florida driving license.
Canadian Citizens
You must change the name on the Canadian passport before you can apply for changing your name on your identification card or driving license.
Change of Residence
You are required to acquire a new driving license in the duration of 10 days after you change your residential or mailing address. You can request for a change in your address on your identification card or driving license through:
- Mail: Ensure that you include the complete details of your new address, full name, date of birth and driving license number. You must mail to the Division of Driving Licenses, Mail Stop 92, and Post Office Box 5775, Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5775. A check for $25 or a money order which is payable to DHSMV must be included. All the proper corrections will be delivered to you by mail. Please permit a period of 30 days for the processing of your mail.
- Pay a visit to the licensing agent of Tax Collector or your local office for driving licenses. There will be a 25$ fee for the license.
- The internet at: There will be a 25$ fee for the license.
- You will acquire your new driving license after the request has been processed. Florida Law states that you must discard your old driving license after you have been issued a new license.
All non-immigrants are required to visit the licensing agent Tax Collectoror the driving license office to have changes made on their identification card or driving license. If you don’t report your new address you will not acquire the renewal registration for motor vehicle or your driving license renewal. You will get a citation if you stopped by any law enforcement, and your driving license does not have the correct address.
All veterans that have been honorably discharged from service by the Armed Forces and were issued an official identification card by the Department of Administration or Division of Veteran’s Affairs, or have been issued a letter of disability from the Administration of Veterans, and has been authorized by the Administration office of the Veteran’s.