Use Your Street Smarts – Safe for Walkers and Bikers
When it comes to warmer weather, biking or walking is probably one of the things that you do more than drive. However, there are risks that are involved with doing any of these while on the road. When it came to 2010, two percent of all traffic violations during the year were due to cyclist accidents. When it comes to the rules of the road, it is important for everyone to follow them. The bicyclist, pedestrian and driver should all be aware of one another when it comes to sharing the road way. If you’re on a bike, here is a list of the things you should keep an eye out for when sharing the road with vehicles.

- Communicate as much as possible with the drivers on the road. You want a bell or some sort of horn to alert anyone in your way that you’re there. You should also know the hand signals needed to show where you’re turning and so on. By being able to communicate with these signals, you’re less likely to get into a collision. You should make eye contact with the drivers to make sure that they have seen you and then look before you do cross, turn or so on.
- Visibility is a big issue when it comes to the night time. You want to take extra caution, but also make sure that all motorists see you in the dark. You can add white lights to the front of your bike and red ones in the back, wearing reflecting clothing or tape is also a good idea to make you more visible to those that are also on the road. The night time is the not the only time to make sure you can be seen, but early morning hours and cloudy, foggy days can also have this effect on drivers.
- Always obey the rules of the road when it comes to obeying the signs, traffic lights and so on. If you ignore these signs then a collision is more likely to happen between yourself and another vehicle. Make sure to always ride with the flow of traffic and not against it. Stay in the line you’re in and do not ride on the sidewalk if you’re an adult since children are allowed too in many areas. Do not take out your cell phone while riding around on your bike – just about the same rules as if you were driving a vehicle.
- Helmets are a must when it comes to riding a bike. If an accident does occur, you’re more likely to be okay if you are wearing a helmet to protect any traumatic brain injuries from happening. There are laws for children to be wearing helmets when on their bikes, but it is only for those under a certain age. Make sure you wear your helmet safely and securely. This is to ensure that if you fall of your bike or bump into a vehicle that your protected.